It is time to fight against the sailor aquas and Suiko Mizutori who feels peace between bundles. The Wicked King chose the Sailor Angels, the monsters who aimed for their own weaknesses! Toxic beasts hurt the body of sailor aquas with poisonous needles and flame swords. The venomous beast who is convinced of a certain victory inserts the eggs of the demon world into the vagina of the faint sailor aquas to completely defeat the Seller aquas. Without knowing such a thing, Sailor AQUAS fights the demons again and takes away the vision of the poisonous beasts, but with the superhuman hearing of the demons, fighting becomes a series of crisis. And suddenly the body of sailor aquas is strange ...! where the devil's eyes grow in her precious place, and she interferes with her battle... With a sense of incongruity and energy-sucking depletion, the sailor aquas is disassembled and embarrassed and imprisoned. The Sailor Aquas were pushed out by the Wicked King and deceived, making him a sexual nephew of the Wicked King...! the destiny of sailor aquas?! [HAPPY END]