Series 2. It is a luxurious two-sided rinchu! It is a story of mother and child Aichu with plenty of jealousy and tears spreading on the stage at Ise Nimiura and Nachi Katsuura! Episode 1: Futamigaura, Ise: "My aunt was deceived by money lending because of her husband who had left the debt and evaporated. In order to escape from lending money by relying on his younger sister Ayako and her son, he crossed the Kumano Kodo (old road in Kumano) from Totsu-gawa River and headed for Nimiura in Ise Province, but was attacked by a raper at Sakai's side and forced to go out. Mother begged her son Masao for meat love!" Episode 2: Katsuura NACHI and Michi KUMANO (Kumanoji) When I was running away from raper and reunited with my son, Masao held on to her mother who wanted to talk. Chitose no nyoin asked Masao to please the woman she had forgotten."